Coming Up February 13: Adventures in Indexing

IndexJoin us on Wednesday, February 13, to talk indexing with member Nancy Wills!

A former co-coordinator of Editors Kingston, Nancy is a freelancer who splits her time about evenly between editing and indexing. “After many years with the provincial government,” she says, “some years ago I embarked on a career change that allowed me to focus on the aspects of the former job that I most enjoyed.” Nancy is also the Editors Canada list monitor.

She’ll share her experiences as an indexer in an informal chat. Bring your indexing questions, comments, and experiences. And look forward, as always, to networking (and snacking) with your fellow twiggers.

Join Us!

Our meeting will take place at the usual place and time:

Free for Editors Canada members; $5 fee for visitors (first meeting free).

Upcoming Meetings

March 13: Discussion Topic TBA (have a suggestion? let us know!)

April  10: Meet Anastasia Riehl, Director of the Strathy Language Unit at Queen’s


Don’t forget the Editors Canada webinar series, Copy Editing Live!, led by twig coordinator Elizabeth d’Anjou, begins on Thursday, February 7.


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