Happy September from Editors Kingston!
We are gearing up for another great year.
September Gathering
The breezes taste
Of apple peel.
The air is full
Of smells to feel—
Ripe fruit, old footballs,
Burning brush,
New books, erasers,
Chalk, and such.–John Updike, “September”

Our usual second-Wednesday-of-the-month get-togethers resume on Wednesday, September 13, with the theme “How I Read My Summer Vacation.” In an homage to “new books, erasers, chalk, and such,” we’ll be asking you to tell us about a favourite book you read this summer. Better yet, two books: one a pleasure read and one an editing- or business-related read. If you can, bring the actual book(s) for show and tell!
You can talk instead about an article, a blog post—or a tweet :-p
We meet at the usual place and time:
Ongwanada Resource Centre, 191 Portsmouth Avenue
7 to 9 p.m. (Doors open at 6:30)
Light refreshments
Both Editors Canada members and non-members welcome
Word for Editors Seminar
The Word for Editors seminar is on! Now scheduled for Saturday, November 18, at the Tett Centre, it’ll be a great opportunity to improve your mastery of the tool most editors use every day. Learn tips and tricks to work more efficiently and effectively from Kingston’s own editing tech guru Adrienne Montgomerie, take home a comprehensive handbook (including links to video tutorials), and enjoy the opportunity to network over a tasty lunch.
Register now! Space is limited.
Fall Programming
We have a lot of other great programming in the works, including several exciting guest speakers. Watch this space for the full fall program!
Editors Kingston is part of Editors Canada, Canada’s national professional editorial association.