On “Editor Twitter,” many posts begin with the abbreviation “TIL,” which stands for “Today I learned ….” We thought that would make a good theme for an editor’s gathering. No matter how old we get, there’s something about September that makes us feel like it’s back-to-school time. And goodness knows we could all use a little wisdom.
So, we’re asking everyone to join us on Wednesday, September 11, at our usual place and time, ready to tell about something new you’ve learned recently. It could be a new editing-related skill, an insight that’s helped to improve your business, a quick trick in Word that’s doubled your speed ─ anything new you’ve learned and would like to share.
We’ll also have a short discussion of Twig business and national announcements, and plenty of time to catch up and share, network and mingle. Find out what your old editing friends have been up to and meet some new ones.
Meanwhile, we’re planning our second-ever twig annual general meeting, to be held online as a videoconference, later in the month. Details coming soon!
Hope to see you on the 11th. Bring a friend!
- Photo is © alamosbasement, used under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License
Join Us
Ongwanada Resource Centre
191 Portsmouth Avenue
7 to 9 p.m. (doors open at 6:30)
Free for Editors Canada members
$5 for visitors
Elizabeth d’Anjou and Stephanie Stone
Editors Kingston coordinators